Thursday, March 27, 2008

Enough about the darn boat, already...

By now all (3 of) my readers must be thoroughly sick of hearing about SS Christopher Columbus and her adventures as a Featured Article Candidate. After all, I wrote about this topic not once before, but twice...

Never fear, this is the last post on that article for a while, I would think, because the article has made it to Featured Article status... Yaay!

I had thought that every comment had to be resolved, but as it turns out, she was promoted with some remaining unresolved minor comments. Still, the article never actually got an oppose, and in a great display of collaborativeness, many of the commenters pitched in and fixed their own or other people's comments.

In fact the article even made the Wikirage top 100 list by edits over a 3 day period.. check out the graph of activity.

So I guess I don't know what all the whining is about? Or did I get lucky? The Featured Article process was exacting and demanding, yes, but ultimately the article's a lot tighter now than it was when we started. (and it was a lot smoother than getting the article to Good Article status, that took two tries!) And now I am trying to decide what other articles I should think about nominating! But why aren't I on this list yet? I demand answers. (obviously an evil bot!) Oh well, a topic for another blog post. What, you thought I was done with this topic???

1 comment:

Sage said...

Congrats. I have a grudge against that list, because my first FA (Johannes Kepler) was a hit-and-run nomination from someones who wasn't a contributor. I didn't think the article was ready yet (and indeed, I made some complaints about the article in the nomination before fixing them myself), but since it was nominated I figured I'd roll with it.

I'm glad that Durova has a more rigorous system of awarding recognition, her Triple Crown awards. I know it's petty, but getting a shiny virtual award for my WP work makes me happy. (Although mine hasn't actually be awarded yet.)